
Himalayan Cat is a Rare Cat Breed

This adorable breed of cat originally from England is the result of crossing a Siamese cat with a Persian cat. The distinctive mark on his face comes from the Siamese and the coat and color is that of the Persian. Occasionally it comes under the name of Persian colorpoint.


Breed Origin:
Life Span:
9 - 15+ years
Average Weight:
7 - 12 lbs
Hair quantity:
General health:

Origin and History

The Himalayan cat, often affectionately referred to as the “Himmie,” is a breed that was developed by crossing Persian cats with Siamese cats to combine the Persian’s luxurious coat and the Siamese’s striking point coloration. This breeding program began in the 1930s in the United States and was further developed in the 1950s. The goal was to create a cat with the physical characteristics of the Persian but with the distinctive color points (face, ears, feet, and tail) of the Siamese. The Himalayan was officially recognized as a separate breed by major cat registries in the 1950s and 1960s. However, it is now considered by many associations as a variant of the Persian breed, rather than a separate breed.


Himalayans have a large, sturdy body with short legs, contributing to a somewhat stocky appearance. They inherit the Persian’s brachycephalic (flat-faced) facial structure, with large, expressive eyes that are typically a deep blue, reflecting their Siamese ancestry. Their ears are small and round, set wide apart on their large head, emphasizing their sweet facial expression.

The breed’s long, dense coat is one of its most striking features, requiring regular grooming to prevent mats and tangles. The coat comes in the same point colors seen in Siamese cats, including seal, blue, chocolate, and lilac, among others. The contrast between the light body color and the darker extremities is a hallmark of the breed.

Personality and Temperament

Himalayans combine the best personality traits of both Persians and Siamese. They tend to be calm, gentle, and affectionate, enjoying quiet time and cuddles with their human companions. While they can be playful, they are not as active or vocal as Siamese cats, often inheriting the more laid-back disposition of the Persian.

These cats are known for their loyalty and can be quite dependent on their owners for affection and attention. They tend to do well in both active and quiet households, making them suitable for a variety of living situations, including apartments and larger homes. Himalayans are also known to get along well with children and other pets, making them excellent family companions.


Due to their Persian heritage, Himalayans are prone to several health issues. Their brachycephalic facial structure can lead to breathing difficulties and dental malocclusions. They are also at risk for polycystic kidney disease (PKD), a genetic condition, and can suffer from issues related to their long coat, such as hairballs and skin problems if not groomed regularly.

It’s important for Himalayan owners to ensure their cats receive regular veterinary check-ups, maintain a healthy diet, and provide regular grooming to keep their coat in good condition. With proper care, Himalayans can enjoy a lifespan of around 10 to 15 years.

Overall, the Himalayan cat is a beautiful, affectionate companion known for its luxurious coat and sweet nature. Their need for regular grooming and potential health issues are considerations for prospective owners, but their loving temperament makes them a cherished pet for those willing to provide the necessary care.

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